KUE Cohosts Capacity Building Workshop on Integrated Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for ONE HEALTH

Kotebe University of Education, with Bahir Dar University, hosted a three-day workshop aimed at training project participants on the application of Problem-Oriented Project-Based Learning (POPBL) and curriculum design as well as the development of the joint MSc program on IWS4ONEHEALTH as part of the project funded by NORPART—Norwegian Partnership Programme for Global Academic Cooperation on May 3, 2022, at Best Western Plus Hotel, Addis Ababa.
Dr Birhanemeskel Tena, the President of KUE, in his opening speech, thanked NORPART for funding the project which allows collaboration and partnership between the North partners (University of South-Eastern Norway, USN) and Norwegian University of Life Sciences, NMBU) and the South partners (Kotebe University of Education, Jimma, and Bahir Dar Universities) in staff exchange and student mobility. Dr Birhanemeskel also emphasized that KUE is the only education university in Ethiopia, and it contributes to the promotion of quality education as well as the internationalization of the study program which are components of the NORPART project. In addition, the President pointed out that he envisaged the collaboration between the North and South partner universities will be further developed and consolidated.
In the workshop, Dr Eshetu Janka, project coordinator at the University of South-Eastern Norway (USN), introduced the project and the new MSc program to the attendants, while Professor Sheri Bastien, a project participant from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), presented a lecture on the concept of WASH4ONEHEALTH. The presentations were followed by discussions based on questions and insights raised from the members of the project and participants from key stakeholders.
The seminar is expected to continue up to May 6 dwelling on issues pertinent to the project implementation and curriculum development for the joint MSc program and will be accompanied by a field visit to selected sites, such as Addis Ababa Waste Water Treatment Plant and Waste-to-Energy Facility. It is also understood that the project period is five years, and it ends in December 2026.
                            Communications Affairs Directorate
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