Mobile: +251965568511
Overview of the office
The Office of Strategic Affairs at Kotebe University of Education is one among the offices accountable to the Office of The President responsible for all matters pertaining to university level plans, reports, monitoring, evaluation, feedback and organizational structures. The office is also responsible for university level budget preparation and budget allocation to units in the university, as per the university’s annual plan and the units’ expected deliverables. The office is chaired by an executive officer and has two coordinators; one team leader, one budget and finance expert and one plan expert with the total of six man powers.
- To automate the entire activities such as planning, reporting, monitoring and evaluation of the office work by adopting the best available and practiced technology in the world through fulfilling the office skilled manpower demand thereof.
- To make use of best practiced and experienced template for planning, reporting, monitoring and evaluation abide by Key Performance Indictors through digitalizing the office entire activities by 2030
The Office has the following major duties and responsibilities:
- Lead all operations in strategic planning;
- Set guiding roles and coordinate the various planning units of the University;
- Coordinate periodical performance reports and prepare and send reconciled university-wide plans to pertinent stakeholders;
- Facilitate the integration of operational and strategic plans and their budget allotments both at university and working unit levels;
- Direct regular monitoring and evaluation tasks and lead studies pertinent to institutional needs and priorities;
- Direct the smooth making and use of policies, standards and procedures for planning and reporting mechanisms throughout the university working units;
- Lead initiatives towards periodical review of the University’s progress and its strategic plan abide by the mission of the University;
- Liaise with different sections of the university and other appropriate stakeholders with the purpose to enhance joint priority setting, planning, implementation, reviewing, evaluation and communication endeavors;
- Coordinate university-wide strategic and operational planning, reviewing, monitoring and evaluation;
- Support colleges/institutes in their efforts to plan and review their academic and administrative activities, and to monitor and evaluate performances;
- Facilitate budget allotment to the operational and strategic plans both university-wide and at college/institute-levels;
- Consolidate and submit fiscal and financial performance reports to concerned bodies on quarterly basis as and when required and present them for the board and the University Community as required by the immediate laeder;
- Perform any other duties as may be required by the Office of The President.