Description of Social Science Education College

The current College of Social Sciences Education was established as a Faculty in September 2014 following the historic promotion of Kotebe College of Teacher Education to Kotebe University College. Following the shift of Kotebe Metropolitan University in to Kotebe University of Education (KUE), the Faculty of Social Sciences was also promoted to College of Social Sciences Education.
The College is mandated to prepare well qualified and competent scholars for careers as teachers, instructional leaders, curriculum designers, and researchers in the field of education. To realize this, the College offers Diploma, Bachelor of Education, Master of Education and Doctoral of Education Programs in the fields of Civics and Ethical Studies, Geography and Environmental Studies, History and Heritage management, both in regular and weekend programs. The college in general has a responsibility to contribute to the improvement of the quality of education.
Currently, the College is organized into four departments, namely Geography and Environmental Studies, History and Heritage Management Education, Ethics and Civic Education as well as Sociology, Social Work and Anthropology. Having 43 academic staffs of which, 25% of them are Ph.D holders and the remaining 75% are lecturers, the college has 794 undergraduate, 105 Post Graduate master’s degree and 3 DED (Doctor of Education) students in regular, week-end and summer modalities.
The College owns a GIS and Remote Sensing Laboratory that has a fairly good collection of tools relevant to our fields of studies. To support the theoretical teaching with practical activities we carry out internship programs and field trips.

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