Mobile: +251928795808
Email: samuel.epfrem@kue.edu.et
Description of the Office
Legal services executive office is directly accountable to the president and it renders service involving legal or law related matters like issue of legal opinion, filling, pleading and defending of law suits etc by a lawyer or attorney practicing law related service in order to keep Kotebe University of Education (KUE) in outstanding stage in providing legal service for their clients.
Our mission is to promote and protect the independence of the legal profession and law practice excellence, by consistently delivering highly skilled ethical and committed legal representation to our clients.
- Delivering reliable legal service and assistance tailored its client’s requirements within every area of practice.
- To built Kotebe University of Education (KUE) legal service executive office with highly skilled and devoted law experts and lawyers by the year 2020.
Core Values
- Integrity
- Trustworthy
- Responsibility
- Expertise
- Excellence
Duties and Responsibilities
Legal Service Executive Office is an office which stands in court on behalf of Kotebe University of Education in any case presented to it, this office renders legal service, file charges when the university sues other institutions or individuals, it defends and makes litigation in the court room and also gives legal advices to the university as well as to the society of the university. Legal service office works in cooperation with police officers and institutions like Ministry of Justice in order to serve justice to the society through fair trial. Legal Service office has been dealing with many cases in different courts for many years. Even though, this case takes years to be finalized and to get decision of the court; the dedication of the legal service officers, team work and nonstop follow ups of each and every case has become fruitful. Since the office has been working so hard it has helped to meet its goal wining the case in the litigation process is one of the recent achievements acquired successfully by the office.