Institute of Physical Education and Sport

Physical Education and Sport department was one of the departments from the very inception of our university as Kotebe College of Teacher Education in 1959. The Department of Health and Physical Education had continued with its status even during the University College time till the university was upgraded to Kotebe Metropolitan University in 2016.
Being the pioneer and the sole health and physical education department to produce physical education teachers with diploma and first degree afterward, it had provided qualified teachers for the then junior and high schools of the country. Due to its remarkable contributions in producing and providing competent physical education teachers to the schools, it is undeniable that the department played its roles for the college to have gained its reputation and fame in teachers’ training.
Following the progression of Kotebe University College into full-fledged Kotebe Metropolitan University, the former Department of Physical Education and sport has been grown to the higher level, to the Sport Science Academy. The Academy has stayed to date to be one of the academic units of the university featured by its broad scope, structure, mission, duties and responsibilities. In line with these, even though it has not been organized so far as proposed in the founding document, the unit has been running six academic programs including five graduate, one undergraduate and one diploma programs. In parallel with this, the Academy and its staff members have been, more or less, engaged in research activities and providing community services so as to realize the mission of the Metropolitan University.
Starting from September, 2021 E.C., the People of Representative of FDRE, through the Proclamation No 1263/2014, has decided for Kotebe Metropolitan University to become the lonely University of Education laden with the mission of serving the whole nation in producing professionals in the fields of education and lifting up the nation’s quality of education. Following the proclamation, the University has accomplished enormous tasks one of which is preparing the structure of Kotebe University of Education. In line with this transformation, it is also indispensable to customize the present Sport Science Academy to the Academic Unit fitting most to the new mission of the University and to which the historical academic unit deserves. In this regard, according to the draft structure and the roadmap, the Sport Science Academy has been proposed to be established as “Institute of Physical Education and Sport”:
List of Departments

PO Box 31248