Telephone (Mobile): +251913597628 Email: teshome.tolcha@kue.edu.et
Description of the Office
Kotebe University of Education (KUE) is structurally organized as Vice President of Academic Affairs Office, Vice President of Research and Community Service Office, Vice President of Administrative and Development Office and Directorates (Center for Emotional Intelligence, Ethics Monitoring Executive Office, Information Communication Technology Executive Office, Institutional Transformation Executive Office, Internal Audit Executive Office, Legal Services Executive Office, Public and International Relations Executive Office, Strategic Affairs Executive Office and Women’s and Social Affairs Inclusive Implementation Executive Office)
Roles and Responsibilities of President’s Office
The role and responsibilities of president’s office are:
- Ensuring that the university operates in accordance with government regulations and the university’s policies and guidelines.
- Oversee the administrative functions of the university; act as a liaison between the university administration and the academic unit.
- Coordinating communication between different departments and representing the university in various capacities.
- Generating new thinking for education initiative leading to SMART strategic planning, policy implementation, and ensuring the university transformation.
- Monitoring and evaluating the Vice President for Academic Affairs Office to insure excellence in teaching and learning including innovativeness of program, qualifications, models, curriculum, pedagogy, and assessment leading to locally responsive and internationally competent education work force.
- Monitoring and evaluating the Vice President for Research and Community Service Office to bring excellence in research and knowledge transfer to solve education problems through nationally and internationally.
- Monitoring and evaluating the Vice President for Administrative and Development Office to establish outstanding institutional structure, good governance, leadership and robust infrastructure and ICT Facilities to create conducive working environment to enhance teaching and learning, research and service delivery.
- Monitoring and evaluating the Public and International Relations Executive Office activities to make KUE competent and reputable both nationally and internationally.
- Monitoring and evaluating the directorates under its structure.
The following offices are accountable to the Office of the President.
Institutional Transformation Executive Office
Public and International Relations Executive Office
Women and Social Affairs Inclusive Implementation Executive Office
Information Communications Technology Executive Office
Strategic Affairs Executive Office
Ethics Monitoring Executive Office
Center for Emotional Intelligence
Legal Services Executive Office
Internal Audit Executive Office