Message From The Principal

Science shared campus was established in 2008 E. C at Kotebe Metropolitan University Main campus through the MoU signed between Kotebe Metropolitan University, Addis Ababa Education Bureau, and Stem Synergy. The suggestion and funding for lab equipment obtained from STEM synergy, which is funded by the Gelfand Family Charitable trust, contributed a lot to its establishment. The campus started to operate by admitting 90 high achiever students (M=37 F=53) from five high schools that are found in Yeka Sub-City. Since its establishment, five batches of the campus have taken the national exam and scored the highest mark nationally. A greater majority of the students from the 1st batch secured a scholarship to Indian Universities. These students are granted financial assistance due to the support of the Prime Minister’s Office. Currently, most of them have completed their first degree and are on the way to completing their 2nd degree programme. Currently, Science Share Campus is found apart from the main campus around Arat kilo in front of Arada sub-city, it enrolls 312 students in the stream of natural science with 33 Academic and 23 Administrative staff.
Ms.Zelalem Sisay Bekele Principal of Science Shared School
Science Shared Campus was established with a vision of becoming a center of excellence for gifted and talented students, who would become notch scientists and engineers of Ethiopia. These students are believed to engage themselves in research and innovative activities in the long-sought after goal of industrialization of the nation. In every walk of its formal instructional processes and co-curricular activities, the campus is leading students to realize the stated vision. Thus, starting from its recruitment process to preparing students for SSLE, the campus makes its relentless effort to inculcate scientific and innovative attitudes among students, which could ultimately help them be competent both at the local and global level. This has been attested when above 80% of the campus’s first graduates won international scholarships and are currently attending their higher education abroad in top-ranking technology universities. The second graduates have also won local and international scholarships awarded by renowned academic institutions.
Currently, the campus is working with more relevant stakeholders. These stakeholders are helping the upcoming batches to get platforms and exposure in the continuous scientific experiments and training. To mention some, 10 students of our campus are Ambassadors to Technology and Innovation Institute and 10 others are members of the institute. Their training has been launched with the full knowledge of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology. In addition to this, 10 students are taking laboratory training in Addis Ababa Institute of Technology in the Engineering Lab arranged by STEM power..
To envisage to be one of the centers of excellence in teaching and learning, research and community services in the fields of language, literature, humanities and indigenous knowledge in Ethiopia by 2030.To become one of the ten top leading centers of excellence in gifted education and training. Educate gifted students, who in the future would be top scientists and engineers and work in the field of research for development in industrialization effort of the nation.
Organize and run a highly efficient Science Shared Campus that can deliver high quality science and Mathematics (computational) education to gifted and talented high school students

Science Shared Success

Contact Us:-
Science Shared Campus
Location: Arat Killo
Infront of Arad Sub-City
Administration Office Building