Contact Details:
Telephone (Office): +251118284392
Telephone (Mob):+251911718823
Email Address: shimelis.zewdie@kue.edu.et
Description of the Office
The Office of Vice President for Administration and Development is one of the three Vice President offices accountable for the President of Kotebe University of Education (KUE). The Office is responsible for managing and leading Finance, Procurement, Property, Human Resources, Students Services, Revenue generation, Transport Service, Peace and Security issues and Construction and Maintenance of infrastructures and facilities.
Currently the office administer more than 600 administrative employees responsible for providing essential fiscal and administrative support required by the University to achieve its intended goals in academic, research and community services areas. Accordingly, the Office of the Vice President for Administration and Development is responsible for the development and implementation of clear policy documents and guidelines as well as technology for managing and facilitating procurement, finance, property administration, and student services.
The Office of Vice President for Administration and Development has the following duties and responsibilities to deliver:
- Plan, organize and coordinate all activities related to finance and budget, procurement, property administration, human resources management and development, and student services;
- Plan and implement construction and maintenance of infrastructures and facilities;
- Design ways for the effective utilization of available resources and transportation infrastructures;
- Design and implement automated system for all activities performed under the office to provide quality services for students, academic staff and other customers of the University;
- Play a leadership role in administrative and student service areas;
- Follow up and ensure effective implementation of policies and guidelines designed and developed to facilitate administrative processes;
- Set up standards and evaluation systems for the administrative services delivered in the University;
- Work towards cultivating and ensuring good governance, diversity and tolerance;
The Office of Vice President for Administration and Development is accountable to the President with responsibilities for leading, coordinating and facilitating the University’s Administration and Development related issues. Currently, under ADVPO has ten executive offices as listed below.
Offices Accountable to ADVPO
Student Dean Office
Finance Executive Office
Competencies and Human Resource Services Executive Office
Procurement Executive Office
Engineering and Maintenance Services Executive Office
Peace and Security Executive Office
General Service Executive Office
Property Management Executive Office
Resource Development and Revenue Generation Executive Office
Transport Services and Vehicle Maintenance Executive Office