Description of Educational Science College

Since its inception in 1959, the College of Educational Sciences (CESs) has undergone different trajectories as its mission and vision has been changing across different times. These changes and shits could be captures in 7 (seven) different periods.
1959 to 1968 (Junior Secondary School Teacher Training Program): This was established within the premise the then Haile Selassie I University (HSIU), now Addis Ababa University (AAU), with the mission of training teachers for junior secondary schools, from grades seven and eight, as the grade structure of that time was 6+2+4 (6 years primary, 2 years of Junior secondary and four years of senior secondary education).
1969 to 1975 (Addis Ababa College of Teacher Education) : In 1969, the teacher training program moved to Mexico Square, Addis Ababa Technical and Vocational College, upgrading itself from training Program to College of Teacher Education and it had become answerable to Ministry of Education ( MoE) of Ethiopia.
1976 to 2013 (Kotebe College of Teacher of Education): In 1976, the Addis Ababa College of Teacher Education moved its location from Mexico Square to Kotebe where CES is currently situated. During this period, it was accountable to MoE, but now it started running Degree program, in addition to diploma program. Nevertheless, in 1997, the teacher education had become answerable to Addis Ababa city Administration, abandoning degree programs and offering only Diploma programs.
2014 to 2015 (Kotebe University College): In 2014 the College of Teacher of Education was upgraded to Kotebe University College by Regulation No. 56/2013. This time, once again it started to run both degree and Diploma programs. It remained in its current Premises, Kotebe, but it became accountable to Education Bureau of Addis Ababa City Administration.
2016 to 2021 (College of Education and Behavioral studies) : In 2016, Kotebe University College had dropped its established identity of education, facing institutional identity crisis, and became Kotebe Metropolitan University by Regulation No. 82/2016. During this period, it became one of the Colleges, College of Education and Behavioral studies, under the Metropolitan University and expanded its program by offering Masters, Degree and Diploma program. It has been answerable to Education Bureau of Addis Ababa City Administration thought the Metropolitan University.
2022 to the present (CESs) : In 2022 the Metropolitan University became Kotebe University of Education (KUE) by Proclamation No. 1263/2014 (October 6, 2021) issued by The Parliament of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. CESs is now one of the Colleges under the University of Education and runs program in PhD, Masters, and Degree in all modalities but dropped Diploma programs. It has become answerable to Federal Ministry of Education, through the University of Education.
CESs: Current status – An over view
The CESs is currently organized by five academic departments namely, Curriculum and Instructional Studies; Educational Psychology, Educational Leadership and Management; Special Needs and Inclusive education, and Early Childhood Development and Education. In all these Academic Department the College runs Certificate, Post graduate Degree in Teaching, BEd, MEd and DEd programs and the total students body of the college is 1, 392 ( 145 Med, 11 Bed and PGDT 1, 236 Students). The College has 54 academic staff (6 female and 48 males and the mix/profile of faculty qualification is Bachelor: 2% Masters 55.7% PhD 43%.
The CESs is moving out from the normative practice, which has common place for long been without any significant improvements. Hence, it has implemented curriculum reform in light of the current changes and shifts observed nationally and internally- It has established research collaboration networks and implemented competency based curriculum. These all are done. These could be done in the framework of Indigenization, SDGs, and the mission of the KUE.